So, here I am. A teacher in art for the 3-5 grades in one of the buildings in my district. It's November now and I've only just found the chance/time/opportunity and have briefly unburied myself from my new position in order to start the blog I vowed I would as a give-back.
Let me back up and fill you in...
In April of this year (2013), my district informed me that they would be moving me from the middle school I had been teaching at for the past 7 years to an elementary position. I was knocked down (to put it lightly and politely). Throughout my teaching study program I was one of only about three people that actually wanted to be in the middle school. Middle school was my passion and calling and I LOVED my job, the building I worked in and especially the people that I worked with. I had spent 7 years of my life living and breathing my job and then I was told I was being removed from all that I had built.
I obviously wasn't happy, but boy, was I taught a really good lesson that I won't soon forget...
And then to compound that, I had never even student taught at the elementary level because I hadn't thought it was an age I had ever wanted to teach. My summer was spent mourning and scrambling to get a grasp on what was coming my way in August for the year. (maybe I sound dramatic to some of you, but any teacher that is truly invested in what they do understands I'm sure.) :)
So, what did I do?...Scour the internet of course. Google and Pinterest were my best friends and I found a lot of great ideas out there. I spent as much time as I could trying to get my room set up to function within a super crazy schedule. (Kudos to all of you elementary teachers, now that I have joined your ranks, I understand the craziness of elementary!)
I have a couple of months under my belt now and I am finding that a lot of what I did at the middle school has helped my transition to the upper elementary level, thankfully! However, seeing 640+ kids in one week has FORCED me to become SUPER ORGANIZED, something that I wasn't before! One real benefit of being with this age level is that they are very enthusiastic about art and love to just jump right in. (Honestly this is a nice change from the apathetic 8th graders I was always encountering.) Their attitude is making the adjustment go more smoothly and allowing me to be my silly and goofy self to get them rolling with things.
So, here I am, and for those of you stopping by, come on my journey with me! My next post will be Pinterest centered as a shout out to all that I was inspired by.
Good luck with your new adventures in elementary! I have been teaching K-5 for 25 years and I couldn't imagine being with any other age level! I student taught(many moons ago) at Middle and elementary and thought I only wanted to work with middle school...until I started working with the younger kids! I have the privilege of watching them grow up from K-5 and I tear up every year during the 5th grade awards assembly when I think about how they have grown and how I will miss them when they move on! Change is hard but I think will you will find the wisdom and insight of the younger crowd inspiring and good for a chuckle at times! Have a great year! :)